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Volunteer at Helen's Acres

Come get your hands dirty and fill your lungs with fresh air! Volunteering at Helen's Aces is an enriching, rewarding and even relaxing experience. Yout time and talents are highly valued here at the farm and we would love to see you out here. Bring a friend too!

As we have no control over the weather here on the farm, we will do our best to provide any changes should they come up. A true reality here, we are aiming for consistency in providing as much food as we can to our local partners, and so, if we can keep hands busy with consistent work throughout the weeks, we can prevent waste!

If you’re interested in becoming a volunteer, please fill out the application linked below.

Bring your Group to Helen's Acres

Looking for a team building exercise that results in making a real difference in your community? Look no further! Groups that have experienced volunteering here at Helen's Acres all tell tales of feeling good in the outdoors, bonding with co-workers and having an enriching experience. Bring your group and get out of the office for a day. We know you will love it!

Helen's Acres is also set up for school groups. Students and teachers alike will learn about the farm process from seeds to harvest and can participate along the way. There is nothing like hands on learning!

If you’re interested in bringing a group, please fill out the application linked below.

Loving our neighbour, one vegetable at a time.